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Berlin (D) Philharmonie Tue 22.10.2024


But this was largely a worthy and idiomatic solo performance, Gabetta’s pleasing tone and light-footed agility galumphed amiably through the dogged first movement, though so compelling was Mäkelä’s boldly projected accompaniment that it at times threatened to take the spotlight away from the soloist. Gabetta had the full measure of the Moderato’s grim introspection with […]

- Chicago Classical Review, 05.04.2024

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What followed might have sent the crowd home feeling well compensated for the ticket price, even without the big symphony to come: Shostakovich’s Cello Concerto No. 1 with soloist Sol Gabetta in a performance that melded disarming potency with breathtaking finesse. With a fierce concentration to match Mäkelä’s, the Argentine cellist pulled the listener into […]

- North American Classical Voice, 05.04.2024

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Talk about a trial by fire. Not only was Gabetta making her CSO debut on these programs, but Orchestra Hall is a vexed host for low-string concertos. Soloists are fitfully heard from non-floor seats, and those who can project over the orchestra often do so by overplaying. But nail-nibbling circumstances turned out the most expertly […]

- Chicago Tribune, 05.04.2024

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Gabetta was nothing short of superb, delivering an utterly gripping solo performance in Dmitri Shostakovich’s Cello Concerto No. 1 in E-flat major, Op. 107, which Mstislav Rostropovich debuted in 1959. Classical musicians spend their lives trying to develop a refined, beautiful sound, so it can be difficult to switch gears, pare back the sheen and […]

- Chicago Sun Times, 05.04.2024

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“Les doigts de la main gauche caracolant sur les cordes, le geste ample, incroyablement animé et précis de l’archet, les accents cuivrés de l’orchestre ponctuant ce flux mélodique inextinguible: l’image virevoltante de Sol Gabetta survolant le «Concerto pour violoncelle» d’Edouard Lalo avec l’Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France restera gravée dans la mémoire des mélomanes qui […]

- Matthieu Chenal, 24 heures, 10.06.2023 , 10.06.2023

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